Virtual Talk: Climate Change adaptation and mitigation strategies

26. Juli 2023 (18:00 - 19:30)

Veranstaltungsort: online, online, online,

We cordially invite to our second virtual talk as a part of our talk series “India’s role in (combating) the climate crisis”. This week’s topic is Climate Change adaptation and mitigation strategies.  

Forests and nature are where the indigenous people reside. It provides them with food, shelter, raw materials and livelihood. Even for medicinal purposes it is easier for them to collect herbs from the forest than visit the local public clinics.

As a result, they have intricate knowledge about the environment and ecology. However, it is this simple fact that we seem to ignore and overlook. Sitting across tables, using technically loaded jargon and dining at fancy restaurants while flying in to contribute to the carbon footprints – we discuss the challenge of climate change and its plausible management strategies. These fail to bridge the gap among the various stakeholders and create an inclusive atmosphere for a collective solution to this global crisis.

To search for an inclusive policy agenda where indigenous people become an integral part of the entire process of framing climate prevention and mitigation strategies, Dr. Suparna Banerjee is going to focus on:

  1. How can indigenous people help us in dealing with the climate crisis?
  2. How can they be involved in the framework of dealing with the challenge? And
  3. What kind of training and knowledge sharing could be outlined for the purpose?

Our other Speaker for the talk, Swapnil Chaudhari is going to talk about the Wetlands ecosystems which forms the most important part of our ecosystems. Wetlands are known for their terrific ability to provide ecosystem services and as an agent for climate change adaption. Their intricate connection with the local communities, culture and livelihoods have recently started to gain national and international recognition. Local communities and grassroots organisations play an important role in taking action on the ground. This session will look at the aspects of wetland restoration, their role in supporting the national SDGs, and importance of involving local communities in restoring such ecosystem. The session will shed more colours on the journey of GroundUp Conservation along with their partners in a Transboundary Landscape of Koshi Tappu, Nepal.


About the Speakers-

Dr. Suparna Banerjee holds a Ph.D. in Political Science from the University of Bonn. Her research interests include Adivasi rights, conflict transformation, conflict mitigation, marginalization, and feminist studies. She is the founder of a sustainability website which aims towards fulfilling SDG #13. She is a freelancer for Development and Cooperation.

Swapnil Chaudhari is the founder of GroundUp Conservation Organisation , building largescale landscape management programs with the Government, private sector, International Development Corporations, Grassroots organisations and Civil Society Groups in India and Nepal.

 The talk will take place as an online event in English and participation is free.

Registration is necessary in advance: Therefore register right now and mark it in your calendar!