Our future starts with you: How to become a climate change champion

30. August 2023 (14:00)

Veranstaltungsort: online, online, online,

Climate change education should help every individual to feel a sense of belonging and to participate fully in society and economy as an active global citizen with an understanding of how society and economy works and how to influence opportunities for positive change.

In recent years, young people have increasingly become vocal and active, demanding decisive change, forming, and joining social movements, and holding their leaders accountable on climate change. However, they have expressed their lack of knowledge and know-how to effectively contribute to the decision-making processes. It is therefore critical to understand what constitutes ‘learning for change’ needed to enable individuals to take action as climate champions and how it can be embedded in education.

‘Change’ or ‘transformation’, within a learning environment, can occur at two levels: in the learner themselves and in the society they live in as ‘the impact of a learner’s engagement on established institutions and norms’ (UNESCO, 2019)[1]. The interlinked dimensions of learning – cognitive, socio-emotional, and behavioural – combined offer a holistic learning experience that puts learners on a pathway of empowerment and transformative engagement.

The fifth session reviews transformative pedagogies for civic action and the role of youth, educators, and women as agents for social change. Through testimonies of climate change champions, the session reflects upon how transformative engagement takes place through their personal journeys including their motivations, inspirations, drivers, opportunities, and challenges they faced, and discusses what knowledge, skills, values, and attitudes should be included in teaching and learning to prepare learners to become climate change champions.

The session will address the following questions:

What are the commonalities found across personal journeys of climate change champions?

How can education promote learning for change?


For more informations, please follow the Link: https://events.unesco.org/event?id=1363863465&lang=1033